27 August 2008
Miniature Breakfast
The Silence of the Spuds
31 July 2008
11 July 2008
Miniature Deviled Eggs, Olives and Cheese
Lost in shipping was a tiny tray of deviled eggs and cheese (I have looked high and low but I think it might have been stuck in the box I had it in originally and been thrown away!) I had made for Sue's order, so I've remade it now and I think it came out even better than the original. There is room enough in the middle for Sue's crackers she plans to adhere. Yay!
Second up was this tiny tray of Olives for Sue as well. One of the most challenging things I have ever tried to make!
10 July 2008
Publications and Tutorials
I have recently added some new pages to my site, tutorials and published pages for my work.
You can find them here:
Enjoy!04 July 2008
Finished Sue's Christmas Order
Here's the final order, complete: This was part of a 1/12th scale custom order for Sue from NY. Includes all of the items she could remember from Christmas dinners past, including: Sauerkraut, bread, pierogis, shrimp pate, deviled eggs, breaded fish filets, stuffed celery and cheeses.
Miniature Shrimp Pate
Miniature Pierogi Platter
30 May 2008
garden visitor
21 April 2008
Miniature Strawberries

Miniature Strawberries
Originally uploaded by Northern Miniatures by Amanda
I have been making some savoury dinners recently and just have not photographed them yet. I made these strawberries late at night 3 nights in a row, while watching Monarch of the Glen, which I have now finished 3 full seasons of! It's a cute show, really, like the UK equivalent of 7th Heaven but without all of the religious stuff. ;)
I am planning on doing a craft show in May and also I have a guest staying in my home for 10 days, so it's going to be a very busy time and I may not be online much. Sorry if I've not answered your email or message lately, I've had a lot of other business to take care of, and a puppy chewing on my feet, hands, shoes, furniture, anything chewable.
I have ordered many items to make into food items, baskets, silverware, bowls, dishes, etc. and I should be making many more items for the webstore soon. You can find the store at http://www.northernminiatures.com and there's a wide variety of hand-crafted and unique polymer clay items there. We also have some hand-painted and hand-crafted furniture and some beautiful bedding and plants.
I hope you're all well and am always happy to hear from you. Off to bed for tonight, it's an early night as I'm whipped!
13 April 2008
12 March 2008
Folk Bench Yellow
03 March 2008
Miniature Foodiversary
February 25th, although I didn't realise it, was my one year anniversary of making miniature food. On that date in 2007 I made my very first miniature food, pancakes. It's now been just over a year since I started making these crazy polymer clay things and it feels like I've been doing it for years. There have been the dry spells, yes, where my food creativity has felt blocked and I've not wanted to work. Working on a custom order for Sumaiya this week has helped a lot.
I have also found that ever since I purchased la Vie en Rose DVD I cannot make miniatures without Edith Piaf's music playing in the background. I usually play La Foule over and over again. I don't speak a word of French. I am tempted to buy the Rosetta Stone program (hundreds of dollars) just to learn. I know I cannot afford such a program, but wouldn't it be nice to be fluent in French so that my fiance and I might take a holiday in Paris some weekend? I think that would be nice. For the moment, Piaf's music has been inspiring me to create, and I thank God that Marion Cotillard won the oscar or I'd have never been tempted to watch la Vie en Rose at all and would have never known who sang the songs I had heard in so many films and enjoyed for so many years.
Miniature Desserts Assortment
Sumaiya was the first dollhouse blog I ever read, and she featured my work in it a while back, I was absolutely honoured and she's the reason I opened this blog. I had looked at other blogs but never thought I' d have a purpose for one until I saw how nice hers turned out. :) Such an inspiring person and an amazingly creative one, I am so proud that she is the new owner of these pieces.
Miniature Roast and Soup
I spent the last week making the soup, roast beef dinner, tea set and then the desserts she ordered. I just finished and packaged them tonight and ya know, I'd really appreciate it if for once my cat would stop trying to be the gaffer in my minis business. She's always got her head in the boxes, or paws in there fishing out the polystyrene packing bits. Today as I was wrapping the desserts, she was trying to steal the packing tissue. I understand that it makes a nice crinkly noise and that it would make a wonderful cat bed, but really, I don't need any more help or any whiskers stuck in the packing tape. She's cute and she purrs at chirps at me while I work, but I only wish she'd shave her fur coat before coming to the job. :)
Miniature Tea Set
This was the tea set I filled with clay for Sumaiya and she also bought my Asparagus dinner set! I am so thrilled!
21 February 2008
Pretty Painted Furniture
I'm participating in the eBay strike this week and I don't think I'll be listing there again for a long time. It's so disheartening to see how they are trying to make more money off of the little guy and let the big sellers get more benefits. Ahhh well, so goes the mini world!